ProTineret Vest and their partners have done it again: you are invited to take part in ChatBox 5 World Adventures on August 23, 2012 at Joy’s Cafe in Arad, starting with 7 p.m. Please RSVP the event on Facebook if you plan to come.
I have attended all previous 4 editions but this time it’s going to be special because I am hosting the event, together with Adrian Rotar. Yes, I am a bit stressed, but in a good way. Oh and BootsnAll is right there by my side.
This edition will be ALL about travels; whether we talk about train vs plane travel in Europe, low cost or even free accommodation or talking about our travel stories, the places we visited and what we love to do when we travel. Read more about the topics here.
The entire event will be in English, so everyone who speaks the language is invited. And please bring a friend along. There will be a raffle, too! You are invited to bring 3 photos of 3 of your favorite locations you have already visited! (and of course, brag with them).
Si pentru cei care nu stiu atat de bine Engleza, iata si traducerea:
ProtineretVest si partenerii lor au pus la cale un nou eveniment: sunteti invitati sa luati parte la ChatBox 5 Aventuri in Lume, in data de 23 august, incepand cu ora 19 in Joy’s. Evenimentul in gasiti pe Facebook.
Eu am fost la toate cele patru editii de pana acum, dar aceasta va fi speciala pentru ca voi fi speaker, alaturi de Adrian Rotar. Da, sunt stresata, dar intr-un sens bun. Iar BootsnAll imi va fi alaturi.
Editia aceasta va fi doar despre calatorii; vom vorbi despre calatoriile cu trenul si avionul in Europa , cazare low cost sau chiar gratis, vom spune povesti din calatoriile noastre.
Editia va avea loc integral in limba Engleza, asadar daca stapaniti limba sunteti invitati . Daca nu, luati cu voi pe cine care stie Engleza. Va fi o tombola. In plus, sunteti invitati sa aduceti 3 poze din locurile voastre favorite vizitate pana in prezent.